Shuciran Pentesting Notes

User Information (Linux)

Users actions who -a `current logged user` w <user> `info of actual logged users` whoami id last `last logged user` All User UID and GID Info for user in $(cat /etc/passwd |cut -f1 -d":"); ...

Software Version

Get MySQL Version mysql –version Get sudo Version sudo -V Get Apache2 Version apache2 -v Get CouchDB Version couchdb -V Get Postgres Version psql -V List All Packages Installed and Vers...


List Inetd Services ls -al /etc/init.d/ List xinetd Services ls -al /etc/xinetd.d/ Contents of Xinetd services cat /etc/xinetd.d/* Find services in /etc/init.d not owned by root and list the...

Linux Abusing Directory Structure

/proc/(PID)/cmdline This file shows the parameters passed to the kernel at the time it is started. It looks like the following: --------------------------------------------------- [*] PATH: /proc/...


To understand Spring4Shell, it is important that we understand CVE-2010-1622. Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) is part of the Spring Framework which makes it easy to develop web applications foll...

Network Enumeration

ARP-SCAN This tool sends a ARP requests to a given IP or network and retrieves the MAC address: arp-scan -I tap0 -g FPING Reconnaisance of alive hosts: fping -I ens33 -g 10.10.0....


Finding the Vulnerability First you need to find a script (.sh,.pl,.cgi,etc.), most commonly under cgi-bin folder, for this task the best tool is nikto: nikto -h <IP> Testing the Vulnerabil...

Cupsctl LFI

LFI An LFI is present if you have access to the system, you need to change the ErrorLog path for the file that you want to read: cupsctl ErrorLog="/root/root.txt" Then from the web server we need ...

Ansible RCE via YAML file

YML RCE Example to obtain a reverse shell using test.yml file: --- - name: Display known facts for host hosts: sudo: true sudo_user: root connection: local gather_facts: false ...

Drupal Exploitation

Drupal exploitation/enumeration Github: drupwn In order to make this exploit working first run the python script: python install Then run the enumeration/exploitation binary ...