NMAP Footprinting the Service sudo nmap -p110,143,993,995 -sCV -Pn -n -vvv Connect to the IMAPS/POP3s service openssl s_client -connect <FQDN/IP>:imaps Connect to the IMAPS se...
SMBMAP Null Session Guest can be exchanged with “” smbmap -u guest -p "" -H <IP> -L Authenticathed smbmap -H <IP> -u 'user' -p 'pass' -d . Command Execution smbmap -H <IP> -u '...
Pass The Hash Attack The Pass the Hash (PtH) technique allows an attacker to authenticate to a remote system or service using a user’s NTLM hash instead of the associated plaintext password. Note t...
Unauthenticated If we get valid users we can try to request TGT tickets to authenticate as another user: Remember to add the name of the domain controller into the /etc/hosts for this command ...
Null Session rpcclient -U "" -N Authenticated rpcclient -U "htb.local\amanda%Ashare1972" Sizzle If an RPC console is prompted then you can execute following commands: En...
Githacker Command to extract the whole git project: githacker --url --output-folder results Examples: Epsilon Git Commits Command to list the commits under a git project...
Host entries dc01.timelapse.htb timelapse.htb If Active Directory => NTP Synchronization with the domain controller. Content Kerberos enumeration RPC Enumeration SMB En...
Basic Access Evil-WinRM to access via port tcp-5985 into a system: evil-winrm -i -u 'nikk37' -p 'get_dem_girls2@yahoo.com' Examples: [[Forest#^b22389]] Active Directory Certificate S...
Calling an operating system API from PowerShell is not completely straightforward. Fortunately, other researchers have presented a technique that simplifies the process and also helps avoid endpoin...
Login via PFX File: First we need to extract the key and the certificate from the pfx file: # Extracting the public certificate: openssl pkcs12 -in legacyy_dev_auth.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out public...