

Default paths:

  • index.php
  • license.txt contains useful information such as the version WordPress installed.
  • wp-activate.php is used for the email activation process when setting up a new WordPress site.
  • Login folders (may be renamed to hide it):
    • /wp-admin/login.php
    • /wp-admin/wp-login.php
    • /login.php
    • /wp-login.php
  • xmlrpc.php is a file that represents a feature of WordPress that enables data to be transmitted with HTTP acting as the transport mechanism and XML as the encoding mechanism. This type of communication has been replaced by the WordPress REST API.

  • The wp-content folder is the main directory where plugins and themes are stored.

  • wp-content/plugins/ directory with the installed plugins

  • wp-content/uploads/ Is the directory where any files uploaded to the platform are stored.

  • wp-includes/ This is the directory where core files are stored, such as certificates, fonts, JavaScript files, and widgets.

Examples: [[Backdoor#^34b6a9]] [[Backdoor#^11157a]]


For a thorough scan, we will need to provide the URL of the target (–url) and configure the enumerate option (–enumerate) to include “All Plugins” (ap), “All Themes” (at), “Config backups” (cb), and “Db exports” (dbe).

wpscan --url sandbox.local --enumerate ap,at,cb,dbe 

Aggresive Mode

wpscan --url http://example.com/ --plugins-detection aggressive

Brute Force

wpscan --url http://locker.ptd/ -U MB6zE2vkSCV -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

You can also add your API Token from wpscan directly by creating a user account to do so, you need to pass the --api-token parameter.