Base64 Upload/Download

Base64 Upload/Download

Base64 Upload/Download

In some cases, we may not be able to transfer the file. For example, the remote host may have firewall protections that prevent us from downloading a file from our machine. In this type of situation, we can use a simple trick to base64 encode the file into base64 format, and then we can paste the base64 string on the remote server and decode it. For example, if we wanted to transfer a binary file called shell, we can base64 encode it as follows:

Shuciran@htb[/htb]$ base64 shell -w 0


Now, we can copy this base64 string, go to the remote host, and use base64 -d to decode it, and pipe the output into a file:

user@remotehost$ echo f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAIAPgABAAAA... <SNIP> ...lIuy9iaW4vc2gAU0iJ51JXSInmDwU | base64 -d > shell